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Everything fit to read

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Deanna Brann Phd

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This book focuses on the relationship between In laws. The family we get tossed head first into when marriage happens. There is so much hype put on the wedding very few people think beyond it. When insanity ensues after the wedding people scratch their heads wondering why. So much time would be saved if as a couple got engaged they where handed this book.


I’m 36 and unmarried. But marriage has changed my family beyond recognition. Traditions are so changed that there are times when I just opt out of things to avoid becoming upset over what we used to have.  I couldn’t explain it before but things just feel lonelier now then before. From this book I learned that that is the way life evolves, it’s OK to miss what was but now we have to deal in what is and find a new normal.

About everythingfittoread

Passionate book reviewer of the ever mobile Everything fit to read book review company. I admit I'm also my only staff member.


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